Full document

Full document with all elements and attribute examples.

require dirname( __DIR__ ) . '/vendor/autoload.php';

// example 2: Full lead from ADF version 1.0.
$adf = ( new carmelosantana\SendADF\SendADF() )
    ->add_prospect( 'new' )
    ->add_node( 'requestdate', '2000-03-30T15:30:20-08:00' )
    ->add_vehicle( [
        'year' => 1999,
        'make' => 'Chevrolet',
        'model' => 'Blazer',
        'vin' => '2GTEK19R7V1511644',
        'stock' => 'P7286',
        'trim' => 'LT',
        'doors' => 4,
        'bodystyle' => 'SUV',
        'transmission' => 'A',
    ], 'buy', 'used' )
        ->add_node( 'odometer', 90000, [ 'status' => 'replaced', 'units' => 'miles'] ) 
        ->add_parent_node( 'colorcombination', [
            'interiorcolor' => 'lush brown',
            'exteriorcolor' => 'emerald green',
            'preference' => '2'
        ], [], true )
        ->add_parent_node( 'colorcombination', [
            'interiorcolor' => 'gray',
            'exteriorcolor' => 'cobalt blue',
            'preference' => '1'
        ], [], true )
        ->add_node( 'price', 26995, [ 'type' => 'quote', 'currency' => 'USD'] ) 
        ->add_parent_node( 'option', [
            'optionname' => 'Sport',
            'manufacturercode' => 'p394',
            'weighting' => '65'
        ], [], true )
        ->add_parent_node( 'option', [
            'optionname' => 'Keyless Entry',
            'manufacturercode' => 'p395',
            'weighting' => '100'
        ], [], true )
        ->add_parent_node( 'finance' )
            ->add_node( 'amount', 5000, [
                'type' => 'downpayment',
                'currency' => 'USD'
            ] )
            ->add_node( 'amount', 1000, [
                'type' => 'monthly',
                'currency' => 'USD'
            ] )
            ->add_node( 'amount', 50000, [
                'type' => 'total',
                'currency' => 'USD'
            ] )
            ->add_node( 'balance', 2000, [
                'type' => 'residual',
                'currency' => 'USD'
            ] )
        ->add_node( 'comments', 'keyless entry essential' )
            ->add_name( 'John', 'first' )
            ->add_name( 'Doe', 'last' )
            ->add_email( 'jdoe@hotmail.com' )
            ->add_phone( '393-999-3922', 'voice', 'morning' )
            ->add_phone( '393-991-2999', 'voice', 'evening', 1 )
            ->add_phone( '393-999-2999', 'fax', 'evening' )
            ->add_address( 'home' )
                ->add_node( 'street', '10 first avenue', [ 'line' => 1 ] )
                ->add_node( 'apartment', 'G-17' )
                ->add_node( 'city', 'Spokane' )
                ->add_node( 'regioncode', 'WA' )
                ->add_node( 'postalcode', '98002-3903' )
                ->add_node( 'country', '98002-3903' )
        ->add_parent_node( 'timeframe', [ 'description' => 'Within 1 month' ], [], true )
        ->add_node( 'comments', 'Can you deliver my new car by next Thursday?' )
        ->add_node( 'vendorname', 'Carmelo\'s Internet Outlet' )
        ->add_node( 'url', 'https://carmelosantana.com' )
        ->add_contact( 1 )
            ->add_name( 'Carmelo Santana', 'full' )
            ->add_email( 'git@carmelosantana.com' )
            ->add_phone( '333-999-2222', 'voice', 'evening' )
            ->add_phone( '393-991-2999', 'fax', 'evening' )
            ->add_address( 'business' )
                ->add_node( 'street', '86 Broadway', [ 'line' => 1 ] )
                ->add_node( 'street', 'First Floor', [ 'line' => 2 ] )
                ->add_node( 'city', 'Newburgh' )
                ->add_node( 'regioncode', 'NY' )
                ->add_node( 'postalcode', '12550-7638' )
                ->add_node( 'country', 'US' )
        ->add_node( 'name', 'CarPoint' )
        ->add_node( 'service', 'Used Car Classifieds' )
        ->add_node( 'url', 'http://carpoint.msn.com' )
        ->add_email( 'carcomm@carpoint.com' )
        ->add_phone( '425-555-1212' )
        ->add_contact( 1 )
            ->add_name( 'Fred Jones', 'full' )
            ->add_email( 'support@carpoint.com' )
            ->add_phone( '425-253-2222', 'voice', 'day' )
            ->add_phone( '393-991-2999', 'fax', 'day' )
                ->add_node( 'street', 'One Microsoft Way', [ 'line' => 1 ] )
                ->add_node( 'street', 'Building 8', [ 'line' => 2 ] )
                ->add_node( 'city', 'Redmond' )
                ->add_node( 'regioncode', 'WA' )
                ->add_node( 'postalcode', '98052' )
                ->add_node( 'country', 'US' );
echo $adf->getPrettyPrintXML();


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?adf version="1.0"?>
  <prospect status="new">
    <vehicle interest="buy" status="used">
      <odometer status="replaced" units="miles">90000</odometer>
        <interiorcolor>lush brown</interiorcolor>
        <exteriorcolor>emerald green</exteriorcolor>
        <exteriorcolor>cobalt blue</exteriorcolor>
      <price type="quote" currency="USD">26995</price>
        <optionname>Keyless Entry</optionname>
        <amount type="downpayment" currency="USD">5000</amount>
        <amount type="monthly" currency="USD">1000</amount>
        <amount type="total" currency="USD">50000</amount>
        <balance type="residual" currency="USD">2000</balance>
      <comments>keyless entry essential</comments>
        <name part="first" type="individual">John</name>
        <name part="last" type="individual">Doe</name>
        <phone type="voice" time="morning">393-999-3922</phone>
        <phone type="voice" time="evening" preferredcontact="1">393-991-2999</phone>
        <phone type="fax" time="evening">393-999-2999</phone>
        <address type="home">
          <street line="1">10 first avenue</street>
        <description>Within 1 month</description>
      <comments>Can you deliver my new car by next Thursday?</comments>
      <vendorname>Carmelo's Internet Outlet</vendorname>
      <contact primarycontact="1">
        <name part="full" type="individual">Carmelo Santana</name>
        <phone type="voice" time="evening">333-999-2222</phone>
        <phone type="fax" time="evening">393-991-2999</phone>
        <address type="business">
          <street line="1">86 Broadway</street>
          <street line="2">First Floor</street>
      <service>Used Car Classifieds</service>
      <phone type="voice" time="nopreference">425-555-1212</phone>
      <contact primarycontact="1">
        <name part="full" type="individual">Fred Jones</name>
        <phone type="voice" time="day">425-253-2222</phone>
        <phone type="fax" time="day">393-991-2999</phone>
          <street line="1">One Microsoft Way</street>
          <street line="2">Building 8</street>